Bef 1649 - 1701 (~ 52 years)
Name |
Hugh Elbert |
Born |
Bef. 1649 |
Devonshire, England, United Kingdom |
Gender |
Male |
Died |
23 Apr 1701 |
Talbot, Maryland, United States |
Person ID |
I2733057582 |
Master Tree |
Last Modified |
5 Aug 2006 |
Notes |
- Following from Donna Sutliff ( (Janes Sutliff) on sep 25, 2001:
I hope you can help me my family is Elbert, and I have traced the family back to Hugh Elbert. Can you help me I need to know were you found the information that Elenor Pierce (Woolman) married Hugh Elbert? I have looked everywhere the only thing I can find is Elinor (Bryan) Elbert, that she married a ? Bryan before she she married Hugh Elbert? This was in the Colonial Maryland of the Eastern Shore Volume 3. I have looked at the Woolman's and the only Woolman in Talbot, Kent, and Queen Anne was Richard Woolman, he had a son named Richard that died interstate without issure (children), unless Elenor was married to one of the other brother's of Richard Woolman? If you can help me I would appreciate it. This is a hard family to research because there are not a lot of Elbert's you do not find web pages for the Elbert as a last name, it is usually a first name.
There were a lot of Germans in Maryland in the early 1600's, but Hugh is not a German name it is English or Scottish. Richard Woolman was not a Quaker, in the early 1600's there were Quaker's but predominately in New Jersey, and a lot of Woolman's.
Following from Elsie Davis ( (William R Davis) on Sep 28, 2001
Mary (possibly Woolman but not proven) was Hugh's wife in 1693. They were living in Kent Island MD when they sold tract DOGGWOOD RIDGE located in Baltimore County on 9 August 1693 for 10,000 lbs. of tobacco. See Liber GN, folio 345-348. The deed stated Hugh was a carpenter.
I do not know if Mary was his first wife. His wife when he died in spring of 1700 was Ellenor Pierce, the widow Bryan, according to Maryland Marriages by Annie Walker Burns. At this moment I do not know where I got the maiden name Pierce but it must be in my files. It is my conclusion that Hugh's wife Mary was likely a Woolman and her mother was named Rebecca. Hence REBECCA'S GARDEN tract in the family.
Hugh apparently had only one son, William, and three daughters, Mary, Sarah, and Rebecca. (Not named in his will.)
The following was transcribed from the "Early Colonial Families of the Eastern Shore of Maryland," Vol. 3, by Robert Barnes.
Hugh Elbert of KI, probably from Devonshire, came to America prior to 1687 (although he is not listed in Skordas) and d. by April 1700. As Hugh Elbert (of AA Co.?), hem. by 1704 Eleanor (N), widow of (N) Bryan (Annie Walker Burns, 'Maryland Marriage References"transcript at MHS, cites MDTP Liber "937?") She was left as his extx.(A}
Elinor Elbert received a payment from the estate of John Hull of TA Co. on 8 Aug 17O2iINAC 2211)
On 27 Dec 1687 Hugh Elbart patented 100 as " Dogwood Ridge" in BA Co (MPL 25:349, 33:71) As Hugh Elbert of KI, KE Co., carpenter, he sold this tract to William Lofton of PA Co. on 7 Aug 1693. No wife signed (BALR RM#HS:482)
As Hugh "Elbott" he was listed as a debtor in the 1693 inventory of John Walston of BA Co.{INAC 10:270) He was listed as Hugh Elbert "runaway" in the inventory (c1696) of James Phillips of BA Co (INAC 15:25, 20.225)
Hugh Elbert may be the Hugh "Elburne" who with Matt. Eareckson appraised the inventory of Morris Hooper on 28 May 1691.{INAC 15:120)
He may be the Hugh 'Elbery" who received a payment from the estate of William Richards of KE Co. on 28 Jan 1697. (INAC 15,244)
Hugh Elbert d. leaving a will dated 1 March 1700, proved 23 April 1700, naming Ellinor extr, and son William. Ellinor was to take care of the children (unnamed) of the dec. The will was witnessed by Thomas and Dorothy Williamson, and George Vincent (MWB 11:8)
Transcribed from Maryland Archives, Folder 15, Pg 60a, Testamentary Papers, HUGH ELBERT'S WILL:
I Hugh Elbert being in perfect Sound and memory Do
make this my last will and testament --
1 I do bequeath my Soul to God who is my Lord and redeemer
and my body unto the Dust and Clay from whence it Came
to be buryed after a Devout manner in hope of a Joyfull
resurection at the Last Day --
2 1 do: Give and unto my son Wm. Elbert one horse and three
Ewes when lie shall come to the pfect age of one and
twenty years old --
3 1 Do: make my Deare and Loving wife Elinr Elbert my
whole Extr for to order and to dispose of all my whole Estate
and my children as she in her own discretion shall think fit
in witness whereof mark X I have hereunto set my hand
and seale this First Day of March 1700.
Signed Sealed & Deld (delivered) in presence of us
Thos. Williamson his
her Hugh HE Elburt (Seal)
Dor. X Williamson mark
Geo: VincentlVinson
(illegible) Wayland Rog(ers
April the 23rd 1700-1701 (not clear)
Then came Thos. & Dor: Williamson and Geo: Vincent
Witnesses o the written will and made Oatdh upon the Holy
evangeles they saw the within written to be his Last will &
testament and - - - - - - - - - thereof he was of Sound
disposing mind and memory.
The estate of Hugh Elbert was appraised at £73.22, and filed 26 April 1703 by Elinor Elbert, admx. (INAC 23.20).
On April 1702, Hugh Elbert (or more likely his estate or a son Hugh) received a payment from the estate of Joseph Sudler of TA Co. (INAC 21:337)
Hugh and Eleanor were the parents of William.